From Our Farm to Your Family's Table

You've eaten chicken since you were a kid, but until you've had grass-fed, chemical-free  chicken, raised as nature intended, you haven't yet tasted chicken. Grocery store chickens are typically fed a corn and soybean diet which is not nutritionally valuable for them, but fattens them quickly. The American Pasture Raised Poultry Producers Association says, "Pasture-raised chicken meat tends to be higher in iron, higher in Omega 3, and be higher in antioxidants (Vitamin E, for example)". Omega 3 is heart healthy. 
We treat out chickens respectfully - imagine that! - we don't cut their beaks (as industrial farms do to avoid them pecking each other because they're so close together) moving them twice daily to fresh grass, allowing them to scratch, eat bugs (high in protein : ) socialize, and live a chemical-free, corn and soy free, no GMO, no antibiotics or vaccine life. You've heard and maybe have seen the conditions in the industrial chicken houses. No wonder those chickens don't taste like chicken should.