A Message from Bossy about A2A2 milk

Milk is made up of lactose, (milk sugar) fat, minerals and protein.
Casein is the main protein found in milk and there are two types: A1 and A2.
As a Jersey cow, (you can tell that I'm a Jersey by my beautiful brown color) I was bred to not produce the A1 beta-casein protein, so I'm A2A2.
Most grocery store cow milk contains a combination of these A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins.
The difference between A1 protein and A2 protein is very small, but may make a big difference in the way it feels to your digestive system. Some people experience gastric discomfort after consuming milk-containing products like yogurt, ice cream, and cheese leading many to believe they have lactose intolerance. Discomfort often attributed to milk as a whole may be due to an inflammatory response created by the A1 protein.
That said, A2 milk could be worth a try if you struggle to digest regular milk. If that's not clear, google it. Yeah, I know about google too.

Your Farmer here - I have to change the password again, so Bossy the cow, can't keep adding her own pages. While she got most of the things right, there are a few things that she isn't aware of. As dairy became more modernized, the push came for a cow that produced more milk. Strategic breeding made the modern A1-A2 Holsteins, (black and white cows that we're all familiar with) more popular because they made the farmer more money, but sacrificing drinkability and taste. Farmstead Acres Jersey cows are all tested and verified for the A2-A2 gene.
And, good for Bossy, our cows on average live 2 to 3 times longer than the typical Holsteins and enjoy a healthier life.