A Message from Your Farmer about
Milk Health & Safety

    As fourth generation farmers, we take great care and pride in providing you a product that is unadulterated and as direct from the cow to your table as possible, much like you owning your own family cow! You have our promise to provide you with the best product possible. We will never sell you anything that we ourselves are unwilling to give to our own family.
     We are inspected and licensed by the PA Department of Agriculture to sell raw milk. We do regular testing to insure cleanliness including TB and brucellosis.
     It all starts with our herd of about 40 Jersey A2A2 cows who are brought into the barn at the same time every morning and evening. Cows, like us, perform best and stay healthy with structure and a schedule.

OUR MILKING PROCESS (see photos below)
*First we clean the teats with an iodine cleaner. 
*We hand strip a little milk from each teat to ensure the cow doesn't have an infection (mastitis). If the milk shows signs of an infection we withhold the milk and give the cow homeopathic remedies until the problem clears. 
We never use drugs.
*When all is good, we attach the milker unit until the cow is 98% empty. 
*Once done, the teat is disinfected again with a solution that prevents bacteria.
*The milk then goes into the bulk milk tank where it is cooled very rapidly to 38 degrees.

     Every morning the milk is transported to the bottling room. We bottle the milk on our state-approved bottler that automatically caps all the bottles. All our equipment, whether in the milking parlor or the bottling room is stainless steel. We use 180 degree+ water and detergent to thoroughly clean the equipment. Even though all equipment is thoroughly washed after use, we always sanitize the equipment again prior to use.
     If you have any questions, please contact us. You deserve to know and we want to be transparent with you.

And remember as the farmer says, 
"Keep the Clean Clean, 
the Cold Cold, 
the Hot Hot,
and the Green Green."

Always store your milk between 36 to 40 degrees for maximum quality.