Why isn't Farmstead Acres' milk pasteurized or homogenized?

At Farmstead Acres, we follow stringent cleaning and care practices. Dairy is our business and sustains four generations of our family, so we don’t take any chances with your health or the health of our families. So much has changed from 100 years ago, when pasteurization was introduced. Our raw milk production is clean and safe as well as delicious and nutritious.
We believe the best milk comes straight from our herd of 100% grass-fed, A2 Jersey cows, and the less we manage it, the better it will taste and the better it will be for you and your family, and ours too. In fact, seeing the cream settle on top reminds us of how special our raw milk is. (Homogenization spins the milk super-fast breaking the milk-fat molecules so small that they can't re-bind.)
We know that raw milk isn’t for everyone, but clearly you know how rich, creamy, delicious and good raw milk is for you. Visit our Jersey herd photos and virtual cleaning tour to understand better how serious we take dairy farming. Then try a pint of our whole milk, (remember to shake it to disperse the milkfat naturally : ) and see if you agree with many of our customers, that it’s the best you’ve ever tasted.