
A Frenchman, August Gaulin, invented homogenization in France in 1899. "Homo" means the same. So, homogenized milk looks the same no matter the bottler. Homogenization is a simple process that mixes and disperses milkfat by using a high-pressure procedure to break it down into smaller particles. When finished, the tiny particles stay suspended in the milk to create a more uniform mixture.
Studies are inconclusive regarding whether homogenization harms the beneficial proteins of milk.
At Farmstead Acres, we believe the best milk comes straight from our herd of 100% grass-fed, A2 Jersey cows, and the less we manage it, the better it will taste and the better it will be for you and your family, and ours too. In fact, seeing the cream settle on the top reminds us of how special our raw milk is. We think discerning customers like you will agree. Try some today, (remember to shake it to disperse the milkfat naturally : ) and then you decide.